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The Ministry of Hanging Out


By: Caitlin Beer, Volunteer Coordinator & Office Manager 

The first time I heard about the Field’s Edge was in church one Sunday morning, Spring 2022. They were having a volunteer day and needed some folks to come out and help. This was right up my alley! Rewind to where I was when I first heard about Field’s Edge: I had been working from home for almost 3 years, at the same job I accepted when I graduated college. Isolated, depressed, lonely. I was gradually being worn down, and knew I needed to find something new. Slowly but surely, the Lord was forging a way for me to get to the Field’s Edge. Later that summer, my situation working from home worsened, and I was overcome with depression and anxiety. But still, the Lord was making a way for me. After a month or so of back and forth with my now boss, Benjamin- I was brought on full time at the Field’s Edge. I sobbed into my sister’s shoulder when he first told me the position had been approved, and now I was going to be a part of the team. This past summer has been the first time in my life where I truly had no other options, but to lean on the Lord to sustain me. It is a testament to His goodness and faithfulness, and that He had been working on my story in Midland long before I even knew it.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

— Matthew 11:28-30

My first 3 months at the Field’s Edge have been nothing short of incredible. I am reminded most days of how raw this work is at its core. Like Jesus did during his ministry on Earth, we are trying to mirror meeting people where they are at. It is sometimes messy and trying work, but we press on. I am also reminded of how the Lord breathes life into what will glorify him. We have our own little patch of land out here ready to glorify Christ through our work. We have had chicks hatch and kittens come through. Our tiny homes are almost finished. And our newest addition is sweet Lois, John-Mark and Briana’s fourth baby. The newness of it all has me full of joy, thinking about what a loving God we serve. The tough days and the sweet days simultaneously remind me of how the Lord is good on His word.

There are over 2000 verses about helping the poor or needy in the bible. Luke 12:33-34 says “Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourself with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”. The treasure in heaven that does not fail is Jesus! Lord, create in us a spirit that constantly looks to glorify you in our work. We can do no good a part from you, God, and we are so thankful for the provisions you have blessed us with. Help us to seek you daily as we strive for our treasure to be in service to you.

We are working on some fun stuff for when our Neighbors are all moved in. Our greatest prayer is that relationships will be forged through the community here. Just thinking about it makes me giddy. John-Mark lovingly calls it, “the ministry of hanging out”. Our vision is for people in the community to come and do just that…hang out! Most friendships aren’t made through anything fancy, but through ordinary situations. We’re thinking game nights, movie nights, Village dinners, maybe even a concert with food trucks. The future of the Field’s Edge and what the Lord has planned for this organization fills my heart with gratitude and delight. I am so excited to be a part of the Field’s Edge family, to serve the Lord alongside my brothers, and to finally call Midland home. 

December 8, 2022

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