There are a number of ways you can invest in the lives of the chronically homeless at The Field's Edge
A donor-advised fund, or a DAF, is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support The Field's Edge.
Donor-advised funds can be set up through a community foundation or a financial instituion.
When making a gift through your donor advised fun, you will need the information below:
Organization Name:
The Field's Edge, Inc.
Donation Processing Address:
6701 Cholla Rd
Midland, TX 79706
Tax ID or EIN:
The gift of a stock is one of the most advantageous way to give.
Making a gift of stocks is simple and offers a bumber of valuable finanical benefits:
Produces a current tax deduction equal to fair-market value of the stock
Corporation may redeem shares of the stock from your organization
Could reduce the liability for accumulated earnings tax
Contact our office at or 432-400-1486 with questions, or for our bank account information and required identification numbers.
The information contained herein is for explanatory purposes only and is not intended to be used as tax advice. The Field's Edge recommends that you contact a professional tax advisor who can provide you with additional information on how your participation in the programs mentioned on this site may affect your personal tax situation.**