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The Fields Edge
Oct 27, 20206 min read
Cold Weather and the Goodness of God
No matter how long I live in Midland the weather always seems to surprise me. The heat just drags on so long into the fall and I think...

The Fields Edge
Sep 29, 20207 min read
Johnny Ray
My hope is that Jesus is making all things new and that one day he will wipe away every tear from every eye. My hope is that some...

The Fields Edge
Jun 29, 20207 min read
Jay was a man created in the image of God, and he was loved by many of us. God used him to soften the hearts of countless people...

The Fields Edge
Apr 5, 20205 min read
Cultivating Home in a Covid-19 World
Without a clear end in sight, it feels like grieving something dear that I’ve lost. Something that many of our friends on the streets lost..

The Fields Edge
Feb 25, 20203 min read
Restored relationships remove the dust and debris of life that have concealed the God-given human dignity of our friends ...

Briana Echols
Dec 30, 20193 min read
Christmas Devotion - Day 11
This Christmas my mother hosted dinner in her home. We gathered around the table with family and friends, including 3 women that we have...

Jody Sneed
Dec 29, 20192 min read
Christmas Devotional - Day 10
Strength for service is a gift of faith, not for ourselves but the Father’s glory. This how we can help.

Michael Goeke
Dec 26, 20192 min read
Christmas Devotional - Day 9
My prayer is that Midland will gain the reputation as the ‘city who sees,’ and that boundaries would be broken, community would happen...

Jeff Kuhnhenn
Dec 20, 20193 min read
Christmas Devotion - Day 7
Walker changed the way I see the world. He’s one of the main reasons I joined The Field’s Edge. Befriending him corrected many...

Jason Hatch
Dec 20, 20192 min read
Christmas Devotion - Day 6
If I just do for 1 person, what I wish I could do for everyone, then I might make a change in 1 person’s life. And if hundreds of people...

Robert Lehrer
Dec 20, 20193 min read
Christmas Devotion - Day 8
Through my work with Breaking Bread Kitchen, I have found that there are many that are not in my situation. They do need help.

The Fields Edge
Dec 20, 20193 min read
Christmas Devotion - Day 5
The Field’s Edge’s mission is one that honors Christ and honors people. What would it be like if we, as a community, committed to helping..

Barry Simpson
Dec 19, 20192 min read
Christmas Devotion - Day 4
I’ll never forget my first experience with true homelessness. It was January 1988. I was almost 20 years old – a college student at Dallas

The Fields Edge
Dec 18, 20193 min read
Christmas Devotion - Day 3
As I get moved into Midland-Odessa, I see a community where great wealth and poverty live side-by-side. Jesus Christ came not to be served..

Laura Chandler
Dec 16, 20192 min read
Christmas Devotion - Day 1
In Luke 12:16–21 Jesus tells it like it is. God calls a rich man a fool for all the wrong reasons. He’s rich because he’s business savvy.

John-Mark Echols
Dec 13, 20194 min read
Christmas Devotion - Final
What The Field’s Edge is doing goes beyond the beautiful 23-acre master-planned tiny home community that by the grace of God will soon be...

The Fields Edge
Oct 20, 20197 min read
An Excavation of True Compassion
“You can judge the scale on which any scheme of help for the needy stands by this single quality, does it make demands on men to give ...

The Fields Edge
Aug 19, 20196 min read
Summer Update
These are my friends. These are Midlanders. People with names, and feelings, and souls.

The Fields Edge
Jun 27, 20194 min read
Mission Success
Oh, that we could help people to see! But if we are honest, at least to a small degree we already have.

The Fields Edge
May 12, 20193 min read
Paradigm Shift
The fruits of the last 2 years of our labor are really growing and the public perception of homelessness appears to be shifting.
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